At SeaPort,
we help students explore, engage, and thrive.
It feels great to turn in a college application that just “makes sense,” when a student has pursued his or her interests in a logically progressing manner, when key attributes of LEADERSHIP, INITIATIVE, INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY, and KINDNESS have been demonstrated, and when the time spent on extra-curricular activities reflects COMMITMENT and PASSION. But this can be difficult to throw together senior year! Ideally, we begin the conversation in 9th grade, exploring, brainstorming, and planning, to maximize all four years of high school. In The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell sets out the Stages of the Hero’s Journey. We’ve reimagined the journey through high school to college as a hero’s journey—you are the hero, traveling toward victory!
Meetings and services for each year are billed as a total package or at an hourly rate, allowing families the flexibility to use only the services they need. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss needs and pricing.
Click on each grade level to see what we will focus on together each year.
The cave contains danger or an inner conflict that the hero must face! Students understand that junior year is filled with trials and tests—classes are difficult, standardized testing begins, AP tests loom. And students feel the added pressure that everything counts. Meeting often with the mentor, our hero learns to manage time, focus on what really matters, and enjoy junior year!